You will be warmly welcomed on your arrival to the constellation camp field. The welcome team will register you on to the camp and assist you to settle in a camping circle that will be your home for the duration of the camp.
Arriving at the campsite
The camp gates open on the morning of Thursday 15th June 2023 at 1pm for arrival and setting up. The camp gates will be closed at 5pm and the first get together is 7pm.
What we offer at constellation camp is a unique opportunity to do this wonderful work enhanced by the added experience of living on the land. This includes camping together in a circle, cooking together on a communal fire, and taking up the simple chop wood, carry water way of life. To facilitate this in the best possible way and with respect for the sacred land we are on, we will create three circles close together with a sheltered communal space in the centre.
The evening meal and washing-up is something that is usually shared with the whole circle; a talk with your circle will establish how you wish to operate.
Facilities on site
Camping facilities on site include wood stove heated hot showers, clean and welcoming earth toilets, running water, and firewood for cooking fires. There is a fire point with extinguishers on the the site. Information on fire safety and using showers etc will be given out at the first meeting.
We will be working in a purpose built yurt during the day and other workshops will be offered in various areas within the camp site.
No alcohol or illegal drugs
This is an alcohol and drug-free camp and we would ask everyone to adhere to this.
Waste management on site
At Camp we do our best to manage our waste as efficiently and with as much attention to recycling and composting as possible.
We ask you to take home your own general waste so please be mindful about what food packaging etc you bring to camp.
Food waste
We compost all our uncooked food waste on site. Fruit peelings and cooked food leftovers are burned on the fire. Wash up water can be thrown into the hedge a short distance away from the tents.
We encourage the use of eco-friendly washing up liquids and shampoo etc. All the hand soap we provide at hand wash stations is eco friendly. No aerosols are allowed on site.
Recycling, Reduce/re-use/recycle
When shopping for camp choose products with minimum packaging. We have sourced a recycling company nearby that process clean dry tin cans, aluminium cans, plastic, cardboard, paper and tetra paks. Bags will be provided which can be used to bring recyclables to the skip and then re-used. Glass is collected separately.
Please don’t burn any plastic. Burning plastic waste produces very strong poisons in the air.
No visitors and no new arrivals after the start of the camp
One of the things which enables us to do this work in such an open setting is the feeling of safety which comes from being part of a settled group of people. The camp is small enough that all faces become familiar after a day or two, and we would ask that we hold this space sacred and try not to leave the site during camp or invite visitors in. It’s also disturbing when people leave early, so we ask them to stay for the duration of the camp if possible.
Everyone likes the best opportunity to get a good night’s sleep, especially when doing healing work such as this. As the evening moves towards night we shall have quiet time, and when a new day arrives you are encouraged to refrain from early morning wood chopping or other loud noises.
Suggested Things to Bring
Here is a list of things you might want to bring:
- a suitable tent, dome, tipi, bender or yurt
- sleeping mat, warm bedding, hot water bottles
- torch, lantern
- rugs and sheepskins
- a chair or stool for relaxing by the fire
- ear-plugs
- a lighter or matches
- a saw, an axe
- wellies and waterproofs
- a strong reusable shopping bag
- large pots and pans
- a trivet or grill
- plates, bowls, cups, cutlery
- a chopping board and knife
- a washing up bowl
- a water carrier
- toilet rolls
- sun-screen
- sun hat
- swimming costume
If you need an epi-pen or asthma inhaler, remember to bring it to camp.